Ex wife #1
Ugh! she irritates me. So Aaron's FIRST wife that I must deal with called today and wants him to pay half of his sons braces. Really?? OK! Don't get me wrong, All fathers need to take care of their children and Aaron does take care of his kids, as do I. All the things they have here is because WE got it for them. Drawers with lots of clothes,shoes and pleanty of toys....all from us. We provide here and for THERE! So he give 550/mo in support and has amazing health insurance with dental that he also pays monthly for. His dental insurance (that he pays monthly out of his check) covers 2,000.00 orthodontic braces. So 2,000.00 already paid for....and 550.00 a month for support....Support for health,shelter,food,ect! How she divides his payments and where it goes is up to her. It is there for his son though FOR things like this. Now, if he were having major surgery or what have you, of course we would need to help and would. In this case however, she can have his braces paid off in a few months with the child support and her husbands dental (secondary insurance) as well. SOOOOO.....she tries to make Aaron feel like a deadbeat, guilt him even after all he does for all 6 of his kids(mine included...I have 3 and he has 3, The Brady bunch right...lol) She has one other child (with the guy she cheated on Aaron with while he was over seas , his best friend since high school also and was his sons Godfather) And is now asking for Aaron to pay for the braces. The boy NEEDS braces, I'm not gonna lie, but I wont have her try and manipulate my husband when he has done so much, we both do for these kids. He is a great dad and she has no idea how nice and amicable things could be if she wouldn't use his son to get what she wants. So many dads are gone,absent,don't care. Then you have the ones who do care and then you have exes who try and use the children as leverage. In my opinion Aaron has paid for these braces already and with his insurance that he provides for him, also gives her quite a sum of money every month. On top of the 550 for him he pays 750 for the other 2 children monthly.Then we have my 3 that live here. She doesn't get it.....so sad for her. It isn't gonna happen. Aaron is no longer your doormat sweetie....his son is old enough now to understand and can decide where he wants to go. You cant stop him from seeing his father just because you never got your way today. Take the money and spend it on HIM!! NOT your nails,car,hair,ect.
WOW! So cant wait until the other 2 kids have to go though all this mess in about 7 years. Wife #2 is even worse than #1. Shes one of those holy church rollers but does opposite what she says. She is one bi-polar woman with a mean streak who also uses the kids to get what she wants. These 2 women are not fun and I so had to grow a back bone with them. I never had to deal with step kids,ex wives and all that drama before Aaron....and its nooooooo fun. I love that man though and i will stand behind him with these 2 psychos. Always asking how he ended up marrying them. YOUNG AND STUPID!!! We were all there once before. Thought you were doing the right thing??? Turned out to be a nightmare....Yep....we have all done that. Now I have to deal with these girls and I just want to get along for the kids. They make it so incredibly hard to do that.
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